Chaplains Corner

resistance to tyrants is obedience to godReligion played a major role in the American Revolution by offering a moral sanction for opposition to the British–an assurance to the average American that revolution was justified in the sight of God. As a recent scholar has observed, “by turning colonial resistance into a righteous cause, and by crying the message to all ranks in all parts of the colonies, ministers did the work of secular radicalism and did it better.”

Ministers served the American cause in many capacities during the Revolution: as military chaplains, as penmen for committees of correspondence, and as members of state legislatures, constitutional conventions and the national Congress. Some even took up arms, leading Continental troops in battle.

Militia Prayer

Our heavenly Father, as we face the days that lie ahead we ask for courage and wisdom. The courage to stand for righteousness, Liberty and freedom that we believe comes from you. The Freedom that our Forefathers and American soldiers have fought for and given their lives for. Help us to fight for Liberty even at the cost of our lives if necessary, that our families and our posterity may continue to live in freedom.

Above all else help us to put our faith in you and not our own strength, and to call unto you in time of need. (I Chronicles 5:20, II Chronicles 20:15) Help us to always remember that the battle is not ours but yours. May we never forget that what you said to Joshua you have said to us. (Joshua 1:9) “Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersover thou goest.” May we never forget our pledge of allegiance to this great Constitutional republic called the United States of America. Help us to stand in the gap as others have before us and proclaim as Patrick Henry once did: “Give me liberty of give me death.” May our hatred for wickedness and sin be balanced with our love for the Constitution, Freedom, our fellow man, and our God.

We ask all these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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